Vinicultural jewels of Madrid - Hotel Moderno Madrid


Vinicultural jewels of Madrid

Madrid is well known for its cuisine, with local dishes such as cocido, callos and bocata de calamares. However, thanks to the hard work of young entrepreneurs, Madrid’s wineries have also started gaining ground in Spain’s wine sector. Today, we’re listing the wines you simply mustn’t miss on your trip to the capital.
El Hombre Bala
El Hombre Bala was born in 2010 out of a partnership between 3 oenologists from Comando G and Vila Viniteca. As a result of this project, they now produce two wines per year from old vines, aged between 50 and 90 years old, of the Granacha variety in Sierra de Gredos.
Monos Tinto
This wine stands out for its fun and light-hearted label. It is a coupage of Garnacha (85%), Syrah (10%) and Cariñena (5%) varieties. The grapes come from vineyards in Cadalso de los Vidrios and San Martín de Valdeiglesias, both in Sierra de Gredos. The four friends behind this project have done a great job of preserving the fruity character of wine.
In 1923, Dr Vicente Álvarez-Villamil acquired the finca “Bernabeleva” in San Martín de Valdeiglesias. Over the decades, his heirs have meticulously cared for the old vines he planted, so that one day they could produce quality wines. That moment came a few years ago. Their wines come from vines aged between 40 and 80 years, grown on high altitude hillsides. The resulting wines are fresh with a very characteristic taste.
A wine from Finca Herrera. This wine is a unique blend of dominant almond flavours and perfumes of white flowers and fresh fruit. The grape is early ripening and requires a lot of work to gain body without losing freshness. The result is a light wine with a final taste that dances between bitter and sweet.
Los vinos de Marañones
We find a wide varieties of wine at this winery: two whites, two reds and one sweet. In each of these wines, we find a balance between the earth and the climate of where they were grown, with a  natural ageing in large French oak barrels. And, this winery doesn’t just offer wines, they also offer music, history and special tasting sessions.
Don’t forget to sample some of these suggestions next time you’re tucking into the best of Madrid’s cuisine. You will not be disappointed!

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