The best routes in Madrid to go by bike - Hotel Moderno Madrid


The best routes in Madrid to go by bike

When the weather is good, we really feel like making outdoor plans, whether with the family, the other half or with friends. And Madrid offers a wide range of leisure activities. One of the favourites of both the locals and tourists is to explore the city and its surroundings by bicycle. Below, we share the best green routes in the region.

The best routes in Madrid to go by bike - Hotel Moderno Madrid

Photo by Chris Kendall on Unsplash

Route through the Juan Carlos I Park (suitable for the whole family)

The Juan Carlos I Park is one of the most important green spaces in Madrid and a perfect place to spend a beautiful day. You can bring your own bike or rent it in the park itself. The route to go by bicycle is very well signposted, it is flat and closed to traffic. In addition, throughout the tour you will find several water fountains. The total route has a length of about 8.5 km. Besides, once the ride is over, you can stay in the park and enjoy a nice picnic. 

The green cycling ring  

This road is only suitable for the most experienced, since it comprises 64 kilometres. During this route, we will travel through the city of Madrid passing through peripheral neighbourhoods such as Orcasitas, Vallecas, Entrevías, Canillejas, Hortaleza, Sanchinarro, Las Tablas, Aluche and Carabanchel. Although its main attraction is that we will cross the Casa de Campo and we will be able to visit the most important places of this park. This route is perfect for bike lovers because it is away from the traffic of the city.

Guadarrama River Greenway (suitable for the whole family)

A simple route with just 5 kilometres in length between Móstoles and Navalcarnero. It is perfect to enjoy with the family as it runs through a quiet setting. The whole route is a continuous gentle descent with some slight climbs until you reach Navalcarnero, where you can relax with a pleasant meal.

Interior route through the Casa de Campo (Glorieta de los patines) (suitable for the whole family)

Tour of the southern area of the Casa de Campo, where we will find most of the leisure areas of this green space (rest areas, fountains and picnic areas). In addition, we will cross the Pinar de las Siete Hermanas, which has hundred-year-old pine trees. The route has 12 kilometres and has a medium-low difficulty. 

40-day train greenway 

A route with a peculiar name that comes from the time of the Civil War in Spain, since it runs along one of the railway lines that was built in 40 days to take the reinforcements to Madrid. It has a length of 14 kilometres and goes from Villacañas to Torrejón de Ardoz, although the only section suitable to go by bike is the one that runs between Carabaña and Estremera. 

Five routes where you can enjoy a fun day outdoors with your bike. And if you are looking for accommodation in the centre of Madrid to rest after your tour, at Hotel Moderno we have the best offers. 

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