Madrid celebrates Lorca Year 2019 - Hotel Moderno Madrid


Madrid celebrates Lorca Year 2019

Captura de pantalla 2019-02-16 a las 21.45.17

If you were asked to name a Spanish poet, we’re sure the first name you’d think of would be Federico García Lorca. He was the most influential and popular poet of 20th century Spanish literature and a member of the Generation of ’27.

That’s why the Community of Madrid is commemorating Lorca Year 2019. And this year sees the celebration of the centenary of Lorca’s arrival in Madrid. The Real Casa de Correos, Teatros del Canal and the Prado Museum are the epicentre of the activities based around the figure of the poet.

Lorca and theatre

In addition to his poems, Lorca has also been internationally recognised for his work as a playwright. If you are theatre lover, you will love the tribute to Lorca’s plays being held at the Teatros del Canal. Twelve plays will be represented, including Esto no es la casa de Bernarda Alba (This Is Not the House of Bernarda Alba), by Carlota Ferrer, Amor de Don perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín (The Love of Don Perlimplín and Belisa in the Garden) by Darius Facal, and Amor oscuro (Dark Love) by Pilar Royo. The Teatro Español will also be representing Comedia sin título (Comedy without a Title) with El sueño de la vida (The Dream of Life) directed by Lluis Pasqual. You will find the complete schedule dedicated to Lorca at La Noche de los Libros and La Noche de los Teatros.

Lorca and music

Poetry and music have always been interconnected. And more and more singers are using poetry in their songs. Therefore, Lorca Year 2019 couldn’t exclude music. As part of the International Festival of Sacred Art, there will be a series of eight concerts in the Ciclo Teoría y juego del Duende (Theory and Games of the Duende Cycle) with the voices of María José Llergo, Paco Ibáñez, Rafael Utrera or María Toledo, among other artists. The Prado will also host several concerts.

To round off the Lorca anniversary celebrations, there will be a travelling exhibition that will visit eleven municipalities in the Community of Madrid. Please note that the schedule of activities has not yet been finalised, so keep an eye on the website for new activities being added.

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