Explore Madrid from home - Hotel Moderno Madrid


Explore Madrid from home

We are still in lockdown, but that won’t stop us from enjoying one of the most beautiful cities in the world: Madrid. These days, technology allows us to enjoy a wide range of tourism activities to go on exploring the Spanish capital from the comfort of our own homes. But remember, this will pass, and if you stay at home, you will soon be able to enjoy the city once again. 

Photo by Inside Weather on Unsplash

Photo by Inside Weather on Unsplash

Virtual visits to El Prado Museum and the #PradoContigo activities

Every morning, on its Instagram account, El Prado Museum posts a 10-minute-long live video of an expert talking about some of the museum’s most famous paintings. A nice way of slowly discovering one of the best art galleries in the world. What’s more, under the hashtag #PradoContigo, the museum offers documentaries, family games and online courses we can enjoy for free.

Virtual tour of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

Another museum that has opened its doors online is the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. See their permanent exhibition without moving from your sofa. They also offer other activities like an interactive tour of the exhibition Los impresionistas y la fotografía (“Impressionists and photography”), as well as some digital educational projects like the online course Más allá de las artistas. Género y públicos en el museo (“Beyond female artists. Gender and audience in the museum”) or the musical En mi jardín (“In my garden”).

La Casa Encendida’s #MeQuedoEnCasa cultural programme

If you want to enjoy the best cultural activities in Madrid, check out the cultural programme called #MeQuedoEnCasa (“Stay At Home”) by La Casa Encendida. Here you will find music, as it brings together all the concerts ever hosted during the 17 editions of La Radio Encendida; art, with videos of some of the most popular exhibitions, for example, the one on Gus Van Sant; and literature with book clubs organised on Facebook.

All the exhibitions of La Tabacalera are now online

You can also enjoy all the exhibitions that have appeared in La Tabacalera. Discover some of the most popular ones, like Joan Rabascall. Tout va bien, Mujeres fotógrafas. Una historia contada a medias (“Female photographers. An unfinished story”) and Flores. Pedro Almodóvar y Jorge Galindo (“Flowers. Pedro Almodóvar and Jorge Galindo”).

Visit the Reina Sofía Museum

Another of the capital’s most important museums is the Reina Sofía Museum. To help make the quarantine more pleasant, they have started offering multimedia content that includes cultural entertainment, interviews and talks. Another activity you might enjoy is the microsite Repensar Guernica (“Rethinking Guernica”), where you can learn everything about one of Picasso’s most famous works of art. 

All these activities will help us enjoy the city of Madrid from our own homes. But as we said earlier, we will be able to enjoy Madrid again once this is over. First stop, Madrid. Next stop, heaven. 

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