Botanical gardens in Madrid. Spend the summer in the shade - Hotel Moderno Madrid


Botanical gardens in Madrid. Spend the summer in the shade

It’s so hot in Madrid! There is no middle ground in terms of the weather and you go from the cold winter to the boiling hot summer in just a few days. From June to September, you go down the street and all you want to find is some shade to walk in. This is exactly what we have for you. Cool down in the shade of the trees in the best botanical gardens in Madrid. You won’t want to miss it!

The Greenhouse at the Arganzuela Crystal Palace

This is a proper greenhouse of 1.75 acres in size comprising four pavilions, each with its own microclimate and respective plants: tropical flora, subtropical flora, succulent and cacti plants and aquatic plants, all of which in a steel and glass building built between 1908 and 1928 that will take you back in time. It’s located on Paseo de la Chopera 10, next to Madrid Río, so when you go back outside you’ll be in the middle of one of the liveliest summer spots in the city.
Atocha station tropical garden
What comes to mind when you think about a jungle inside a train station? What if that train station is Atocha station? Well, it’s true. One of the most spectacular gardens in Madrid is located in this centrally located station. The building’s metallic structure and glass ceiling creates the ideal environment for this urban garden made up by more than 7,000 plants of 400 different species brought from all over the world. This garden is fresh, pleasant and the best place you can think of to relax before you ride the next train. Oh, and entrance is free!
Royal Botanical Gardens
Since we’re in Atocha, why not walk the short distance to Plaza de Murillo, the home of the

Royal Botanical Gardens, right next to the Prado Museum. The jewel of Madrid’s botanical gardens was founded in 1755 and it’s home to a wide range of European, American and Pacific plants. Its design is based on a system of tiered terraces and the main highlights of this garden are its century-old trees, the popular greenhouse and the fantastic priceless collection of bonsais.

Also, the garden staff carries out guided tours and workshops for students. Tickets cost 4€ and 2€ for concessions. Believe us when we say that it’s one of the most amazing botanical gardens you will ever see.
Vertical Garden of CaixaForum Madrid
When you leave the Royal Botanical Garden, cross the road and you will come across the huge green setting of the CaixaForum Madrid Vertical Garden. It’s not a botanical garden per se but at 82 ft. tall and 62 ft. wide with more than 20,000 plants, it’s worthy of a special mention.


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